New and improved Securaze Mobile

After months of hard work, we had the pleasure of introducing our new product Securaze Mobile for secure data erasure, specifically designed for end-of-life devices, to you about 2 months ago. And we are happy to inform you now that we have continued to work hard to provide you with more new and innovative features to use, which we have already succeeded in doing!
The new features include geotagging, the checkESN check or even the ability to connect to pin-locked devices from iOS or for Samsung, device detection and erasure without USB debugging. Preventing the Microsoft Apple driver on Windows, reading additional attributes and infos on Apple Silicon devices, further translations such as Japanese and QR code zooming are also among Securaze Mobile's latest features. Furthermore, it is possible to reconnect a previously edited device, with the operator receiving a notification about it, and change the location, for example, to move the location of the iOS firmware to another storage. Grade selection overlaps have also been improved.
Securaze Mobile's new geotagging feature allows you to validate the location of the processed mobile device in audit reports, which can be used as reassurance to your customers that their devices and their sensitive data have not left the country or fallen into the wrong hands.
On iOS, pin-locked devices can now be connected before being manually put into recovery mode, which is definitely a massive step forward. Also, more info from Apple Silicon devices can now be read and is visible on the Securaze dashboard and Reports, such as the device's serial number, macOS version and build number.
As for Android, our product is now able to detect and erase Samsung devices without USB debugging. The "Samsung device communication" option allows to detect Samsung devices and erase data without USB debugging being enabled. All erase operations fall back to data erase when this mode is enabled.
To prevent the Microsoft Apple driver on Windows, it is now disabled during installation and execution.
CheckESN is a service using a phone or tablet's IMEI code to try to extract data about the device from various international databases. Securaze Mobile uses checkESN for 3 essential things: Checking for theft, Apple SIM lock verification and Apple carrier data.
Furthermore, we are very proud of the Japanese translation of our product to increase our market and your range of application, and of course we are constantly updating all languages. A small but very helpful thing is the ability to zoom in and out of the QR code now on the device screen.
For more details on the specific features, feel free to contact us through our website at: and we will explain everything in more detail in personal demos.